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with first volleys?
Are you struggling
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with first volleys?
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We're proud to introduce the Vortex Junior kids paddle!
This kid's paddle has a fun 2 sided tie-dye design but is a real playable paddle built for performance. It is 335g so it is a perfect weight for younger players. Unlike other junior paddles on the market, it also has a full-length handle, even though it is an inch shorter than adult paddles. This helps make the transition to a full-size paddle easier in the future for young players.
Unlike other junior paddles which have a very small handle, since our normal handle is 1" longer than most, in order to go from an adult-size paddle (18" length) to a junior-size paddle (17" length), we simply have reduced our handle length which was already 1" longer than most, to be a more standard size.